So much time from the last post! So..I would post here my first attemp to the genetic algorithms from months ago. I tried to make a GA script, with functions to make population, genes, fitness, and so on..
My script is based on the helpful Ben Doherty's script, and I tried to make a new one for my purposes..
This is a first test. It is very simple..there is a simple geometry made of polygons (like a mesh), that can change the coordinates of their vertices (the Z) to get the best exposure of the faces to the sun (rapresented by a point). The algorithm check the DotProduct between the normal of the faces and the direction of the sun, until they reach the best approximating value of 1.0.
Yes, I know, you can't find the gct file here! ..and there isn't no more images..please be patient! I will post some updates....the script is still in work in progress..and..isn't "rock" yet as seems!